This image shows Ulrike Kuhlmann

Ulrike Kuhlmann

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Institute of Structural Design


+49 711 685 66245
+49 711 685 66236

Business card (VCF)

Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Room: 2.138


Steel -, Timber - and Composite Construction

Name: Ulrike Kuhlmann, née Berz
Date of birth: 10 August 1957; Dortmund, Germany
Studies: 1976 – 1981 Study of Structural Engineering at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Diploma degree 
Professional career:
1981 - 1986 Scientific co-worker of Prof. Dr. –Ing. K. Roik (chair of steel construction at Ruhr-Universität Bochum); Research themes: Stability of members, rotation capacity of I-profiles, composite structures
1986  Thesis
Theme:  'Rotationskapazität biegebeanspruchter I-Profile unter Berücksichtigung des plastischen Beulens'
1987 Visiting professor at Institut Construction Métallique (Prof. Dr. J.-C. Badoux) at École Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Research theme: Composite structures
1988 Heinrich-Kost-Award for the thesis, Ruhr-Universität, Bochum
1987 – 1990 Consulting office Dr.-Ing. U. Weyer in Dortmund, design of steel and composite bridges and buildings 
1991 Johannes Dörnen, steel fabricator in Dortmund, since 1993 head of the technical department at Dörnen
1995 Appointment as Professor of Steel and Timber Structures at the University of Stuttgart, head of the Institute of Structural Design, since 2000 Professor of Steel, Timber and Composite Structures
1995 Approval as proof engineer for metal and timber structures
1997 Award of the 'IABSE Prize 1997' 
1998 Partnership in consulting office 'Nellingen -Kuhlmann-Gerold-Eisele- Zipperlen' in Ostfildern, Nellingen
1999 Award of  'Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande'
1999 Editor of yearly Stahlbaukalender, Publisher Ernst & Sohn
2000 Redefinition of professorship from “Steel and Timber Structures to “Steel, Timber and Composite Structures”
2001 Approval as proof engineer for structures of the Federal Railway Authority (Eisenbahnbundesamt) in the field of railway bridges and structures
2002 Member of DASt Advisory Board and Advisory Committee 'Fb 08' for steel, composite and aluminium structures at DIN, vice chair since 2017
2004 - 2012 Elected member of the DFG-Kollegium “Bauwesen + Architektur”, from 2008 chair
2006 Evaluator for the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AiF – Otto von Guericke e.V., Köln)
2006 Elected member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW, Berlin, Class of Technical Sciences), since 2008 board member
2008 - 2016 Member of the scientific board of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
2009 - 2012 Member of the University's Council (University of Stuttgart)
2009 - 2022 Chair of CEN/TC250/SC3 “Structural Eurocodes: Eurocode 3:  Design of Steel Structures”< /td>
2010 - 2012 Temporary Scientific Director of Stuttgart University’s material research laboratory (MPA Universität Stuttgart – Otto-Graf-Institut (FMPA)) 
2011 - 2019 Vice-president of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)
2012 Foreign member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg, Sweden
2012 Award of Medal of Honors by VDI (German Association of Civil Engineers)
2013 - 2017 Dean of Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Stuttgart
2014 Member of the scientific board of Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
2015 Member of the scientific board “Infrastructure” of Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
2021 Vice-president of Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2022 Member of acatech National Academy of Science and Engineering

Correspondent of the Journal "Structural Engineering International", IABSE Zurich

Member of the editorial board of the Journal "Stahlbau" and “Steel Construction”, Publisher: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Berlin

ECCS: Member of TC 8 “Stability”, TWG 8.3 (Chairperson) “Plate Buckling”, TC 6 “Fatigue” TC11 “ Composite Structures”

Member of various German and European standardisation committees:

Committee observer in CEN/TC 250 "Structural Eurocodes"

Convenor of CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 05 "Evolution of EN 1993-1-5 - Plated structures"

Convenor of CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 19 "Evolution of EN 1993-6 - Crane supporting structures"

Member of

CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 01 "Evolution of EN 1993-1-1 - General rules for buildings"

CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 08 "Evolution of EN 1993-1-8 - Joints and connections"

CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 09 "Evolution of EN 1993-1-9 - Fatigue"

CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 10 "Evolution of EN 1993-1-10 - Material toughness and through-thickness properties"

CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 12 "Evolution of EN 1993-1-12 - High strength steels"

CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 13 "Evolution of EN 1993-2 - Bridges"

CEN/TC 250/SC 03/WG 18 "Evolution of EN 1993-5 - Piling"

CEN/TC 250/SC 04 "Eurocode 4; Design of composite steel and concrete structures"

CEN/TC 250/SC 04/WG 04 "Evolution of EN 1994 - Eurocode 4; Design of composite steel and concrete structures

Convenor of NA 005-08-01 AA "Crane runways (German mirror committee of CEN/TC 250/SC 3/WG 19)"

Convenor NA 005-08-23 AA "Steel Bridges (German mirror committee of CEN/TC 250/SC 3/WG 13)"

Vice chair of NA 005-08-16 AA "Structural Design” (German mirror committee CEN/TC 250/SC 3, ISO/TC 167/SC 1)"

Vice chair of DASt/NA 005-08 FBR "Steering Committee Division 08 – Steel-, Composite and Aluminium Constructions"


NA 005-08-99 AA "Composite Constructions” (German mirror committee of CEN/TC 250/SC 4)

NA 005-57 FBR "Divisional advisory board KOA 07 - Bridges"

NA 005-08-19 AA "Steel sheet piling and steel piles (German mirror committee of CEN/TC 250/SC 3/WG 18)"

NA 005-04-01-01 AK "DIN EN 1995-1-1 and DIN EN 1995-2"

NA 005-04-01-12 AK "Eurocode 5 – Timber-Concrete-Composite Elements“

NA 005-04-01-13 AK "Eurocode 5 - Cluster"

NA 005-04-01-15 AK "Eurocode 5 – Connections and Fasteners"

NA 005-04-01-16 AK "Eurocode 5 – Timber Bridges“

NA 005-04-01-17 AK "Eurocode 5 – Reinforcements“

NA 005-04-01 AA "Timber Constructions (German mirror committee CEN/TC 124, CEN/TC 250/SC 5, ISO/TC 165)"

Head of Institute

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