Stahlbau - Kalender

Here you can find some information about the Stahlbau-Kalender.

The Stahlbau-Kalender has been published annually by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Kuhlmann since 1999. In addition to current core topics of European steel and composite construction standardization and the current status of German steel construction regulations, the articles deal with a special topic in each issue,  which is reflected in several articles. These topics address important current issues relating to the fundamentals of steel construction such as stability,  durability or connections and applications such as industrial structures, bridges or composite structures. The Stahlbau-Kalender reliably documents and  comments on the current status of steel construction regulations and is also intended to be a reliable working aid for practitioners. The "Stahlbau-Kalender-Tag" is also held annually, at which the authors explain the main contents of their articles.

The editor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrike Kuhlmann is Professor of Steel -, Timber - and Composite Construction and Head of the Institute for Construction  and Design at the University of Stuttgart. The choice of authors for the Stahlbau-Kalender and the topics are determined by consistent practical relevance. The authors, each known as outstanding experts in their fields, come from industry, engineering offices and from the interface between research and practice at universities.


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