
Practice-oriented research for the building industry at the Institute for Structural Design.

The project overview offers a short presentation of currently running as well as completed research projects of the institute. A more detailed presentation of the individual projects can be found under our research projects.

The project overview can be downloaded here.

MX1-3 MX3-3 MX5-3
Stability Material fatigue Connections


MX7-2 MX9-1 MX10-1
Timber construction Timber - Concrete composite Composite construction


MX11-3 MX12-1 MX13-2
Reinforced - Concete   Bridge construction
Robust systems


With our research, we create the basis for the dimensioning of structural components made of steel, composite and timber construction. The results of our research are published in specialist journals and books or are actively incorporated into standards.

Steel Construction

Concluded Projects

Steel Composite Construction

Concluded Projects

Timber Composite and Timber Construction

Concluded Projects


This image shows Ulrike Kuhlmann

Ulrike Kuhlmann

Prof. Dr.-Ing.
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