Composite columns offer a slender and reliable alternative to solid concrete columns in high-rise and industrial buildings. Research shows that high-strength steel increases the load-bearing capacity of these columns and contributes to more efficient structures. In the HOCHFEST cluster of FOSTA e.V., various design forms of hollow section composite columns have been developed and their load-bearing mechanisms have been analysed.
To date, however, there has been no basis for a standardised design concept for the hollow section composite columns investigated. This joint research project is being carried out in order to consolidate the scientific findings and answer questions that are still open for practical engineering applications. A major advantage of the collaboration is the scientific consensus of renowned research centres on a common problem.
Previous design approaches in accordance with EN 1994-1-1 proved to be insufficient for calculating the new structural shapes using high-strength steels. The use of high-performance materials entails new phenomena that must be taken into account when calculating their load-bearing capacities. Therefore, the influences of these steel grades are to be quantified by experimental tests and probabilistic parameters derived in order to enable reliable design. In addition, no or only insufficient knowledge is available to date regarding the effects of buckling shapes of composite columns in floor systems. By taking these into account, buckling lengths and thus slenderness could be reduced and the load-bearing capacity reserves of the steel used could be utilised efficiently.
The aim of the research project is to develop a standardised design approach for new concrete-filled hollow section composite columns with high-strength steel at room temperature and a simplified verification concept (level 2) under fire exposure. The influencing parameters are determined in a standardised manner and verified probabilistically.
The desired results enable the special requirements of newly developed high-strength composite columns to be taken into account and a consistent design concept to be achieved. This removes obstacles for planners, clients and contractors and makes it possible to use high-performance composite columns. The lean construction methods and efficient cross-section utilisation provide a sustainable and economical alternative to previous column systems.
Project Team
Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. habil. Markus Knobloch, Elisa Grimaldi M.Sc.
RWTH Aachen University
Lehrstuhl für Stahl- und Leichtmetallbau
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Feldmann, Jonas Nonn M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
Lehrstuhl für Metallbau
Prof.-Dr.-Ing. Martin Mensinger, Constantin Schwendner M.Sc.
Project Funding
FOSTA e.V. , DLR Projektträger, Federal Ministry for Economical Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
Project Start
October 1st, 2024