Within a European project coordinated by SCI, London, composite slabs with additional steel sheeting spanning transverse to the supporting beam were investigated (DISCCO). Under certain conditions current rules of Eurocode 4 dealing with the minimum degree of shear connection lead to an uneconomic dimensioning – especially when using modern types of profiled sheeting. First of all numerous tests showed that the real failure load of the headed studs were clearly lower compared with the prediction of the equations of Eurocode 4 when using modern types of profiled sheeting. To investigate the real behavior of composite beams with low degrees of shear connection, a comprehensive study was carried out. Thereby it could be confirmed that composite beams withdegrees of shear connection clearly lower than the current limit of 40% also can be calculated acc. to the current rules of Eurocode 4 (ULS and SLS) – provided that the new knowledge of the reduced bearing capacity for composite slabs with additional steel sheeting spanning transverse to the supporting beam is taken into account. The findings of these tests as well as results of further numerical investigations will lead to new rules concerning the minimum degree of shear connection and the bearing capacity of headed studs when using profiled composite slabs.
Project Team
Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf, Universität Stuttgart
Leiterin der Forschungsstelle:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Kuhlmann
Dipl.-Ing. (FH), M. Eng. Florian Eggert
University of Bradford, School of Engineering, Prof. Lam,
The Steel Construction Institute, Prof. Lawson,
University of Luxembourg, Prof. Odenbreit,
ArcelorMittal, Luxembourg, Renata Obiala, Francois Hanus
Research Funding
RFCS (Research Fund for Coal and Steel)
MPA (Materialprüfanstalt, Universität Stuttgart)
Duration of the Prject
2012 - 2015