Robust impact design of steel and composite building structures

Projektnummer: RFS2-CT-2012-00029


In this research project advanced impact design of framed steel and composite structures is aimed at combining the two design methods “residual strength method” and “alternate load path method”.

Different types of impact scenarios are identified and the magnitude of possible impacts and plausible points of application for the impact are designed. Representative parameters were defined and quantified.

Experimental investigations on the residual strength of impacted vertical members with different support conditions subjected to high dynamic lateral loads will be performed. The determination of the residual strength, the member-structure-interaction and the demand on the joints for partially damaged elements will be examined.

The redundancy of the structure will be investigated through tests on slab, beam and joints. In order to determine the influence of the strain rate effect and the influence of strong shear forces joint and component tests under high speed loading are planned.

The global structural response of a defined reference building is considered and a new finite joint element will be developed, able to simulate the actual behaviour of partial-strength joints subjected to combined bending moments and axial loads.

Design criteria for the slab and the beam-system as well as for ductile steel and composite joints allowing the activation of alternate load paths will be developed, as to receive guidelines for advanced impact design applying the combined residual strength method and the alternate load path method.

Beteiligte Forschungsstellen

  • Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf, Universität Stuttgart, Leiterin der Forschungsstelle: Prof. Dr.-Ing. U. Kuhlmann, Projektbearbeiter: Dipl.-Ing. Nadine Hoffmann
  • University of Liège, Argenco Department, MS²F research unit, Prof. Jaspart
  • University of Trento, Department of Mechanical and Structural Engineering Prof. Zandonini
  • RWTH Aachen, Institute for Steel Structures, Prof. Hoffmeister
  • ArcelorMittal Belval & Differdange Sa, Mr. Hoffmann
  • INSAR Rennes, Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Planning Prof. Hjiaj


Wir danken dem Forschungsfonds für Kohle und Stahl (RFCS) der Europäischen Union für die Förderung dieses Forschungsprojekts. Ebenfalls danken wir der Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität Stuttgart (MPA).

Beginn des Forschungsvorhabens

2012 - 2018

Vorhergehende Forschungsvorhaben

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