+49 711 685 69247
+49 711 685 66236
Pfaffenwaldring 7
70569 Stuttgart
Raum: 2.142
- Hochfester Baustahl
- Brandverhalten von Stahl
- Werkstoffverhalten im Brandfall
- Ressourceneffizientes Bauen
- Seit 2025: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf, Universität Stuttgart
- 2024: Promotion: Mechanisches Werkstoffverhalten hochfester Baustähle im Brandfall
- 2020-2024: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Lehrstuhl für Stahl-, Leicht- und Verbundbau, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
- 2013-2019: Studium Bauingenieurwesen (M.Sc.) Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Markus Knobloch, SARA USZBALL, Anna-Lena Bours, Helen Bartsch, Markus Feldmann (2024) Do we need normative guidance on the design of reused structural components? On the contribution of structural and bridge engineering to solve global challenges, IABSE Congress San Jose 2024, Beyond Structural Engineering in a Changing World.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2024) Post-fire structural material behaviour of high- and ultra-high-strength steels – Experimental study and aids for assessment for further use and potential reuse after fires. Construction and Building Materials 443, September 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.137742.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2024) Comparative experimental study of the post-fire behaviour of mild, high-strength and ultra-high-strength steel. Proceedings of the Nordic Steel Construction Conference 2024, Lulea, Sweden. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12333088.
USZBALL, S., Faghihi, F. & Knobloch, M. (2024) Modelling thermal creep of ultra-high-strength steels under steady state temperature conditions. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF) 2024.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2024) Tensile Tests for Material Characterisation of High- and Ultra-High-Strength Steels S690QL and S960QL under Natural Fire Conditions. Fire Technology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10694-024-01551-7.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2023) Material characterisation tests of ultra‐high‐strength steels S960QL and S1100M under natural fire conditions. Proceedings of the Eurosteel Conference 2023, 562–567. https://doi.org/10.1002/cepa.2408.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2023) Material characterisation of ultra-high-strength steel S960QL at elevated temperatures under steady-state and transient-state temperature conditions. Proceedings of the International Fire Safety Symposium (IFireSS) 2023, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 21st-23rd June 2023. https://www.ifiress2023.org/f_files/Proceedings.pdf.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2023) Werkstoffeigenschaften höchstfesten Baustahls S960QL im Brandfall, Stahlbau, 92(3), 173–185. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/stab.202200083.
Knobloch, M., Feldmann, M., Claßen, M., Zehfuß, J., Mensinger, M., USZBALL, S., Schurgacz, P., Schäfers, M., Janiak, T., Nonn, J., Jalaeeyan, A., Ameri, S., Wolters, K., & Röß, R. (2023) Tragverhalten hochfester Verbundstützen und Werkstoffverhalten im Brandfall: FOSTA‐Forschungsverbund HOCHFEST: Projekte „Hochfeste Verbundstützen und Brand“. Stahlbau, 92(3), 108–118. https://doi.org/10.1002/stab.202300003.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2022) Material characterization tests and advanced modelling of high and ultra-high strength steels under natural fire conditions. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF) 2022, Hongkong (China)/Online, 935–946. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22215748.
USZBALL, S. & Knobloch, M. (2022) Mechanische Werkstoffeigenschaften höher- und höchstfester Baustähle in der Abklingphase von Naturbrandszenarien. 8th Symposium on Structural Fire Engineering, Braunschweig.
Knobloch, M., USZBALL, S., Schaper, L., & Mensinger, M. (2022) Neue Entwicklungen in prEN 1993‐1‐2:2020. In U. Kuhlmann (Hrsg.), Türme und Maste, Brandschutz (Bd. 24, S. 203–277). Ernst & Sohn. https://doi.org/10.1002/9783433611111.ch3.